Tara Sabharwal
Inches : 40 x 26.5
Etching Ink, Watercolour and Pastel on Monoprinted Paper with Chine Colle
The Shell Stories and the Earthen Vase
Jayasri Burman
Inches : 78 x 61
Watercolour, Pen, Ink, and Charcoal on Paper Pasted on Lucobond Board
The Oracle of the sea-2
Jayasri Burman
Inches : 36 x 30
Watercolour, Pen, Ink, and Charcoal on Paper Pasted on Lucobond Board
The Oracle of the sea-1
Jayasri Burman
Inches : 36 x 30
Watercolour, Pen, Ink, and Charcoal on Paper Pasted on Lucobond Board